Part 5: Feeding, Grooming, and Watering

V. Feeding, Grooming and Watering

A. Feeding
1. Garrison
a. Grain (corn, wheat barley or oats) 12 lbs
1) Fed in the morning in grain boxes
2) Fed in the evening after the hay is eaten
3) Never feed to a hot horse, wait until it cools
b. Hay 14 lbs
1) Morning-Fed by stable police before sick call
2) Afternoon-May be deleted as days get shorter
3) Evening
4) May be fed to a hot horse
c. Bran
1) Occasional use recommended for stable horses, acts like a laxative, treats sand colic
d. Salt
1) Once a week in the summer
e. Grass
1) Spring/early summer for a week. Not to be worked during this time
f. Grazing
1) If no forage horses should be allowed to graze most of the day
2) Especially when the dew is on the grass
2. Camp
a. Grain
1) At morning and evening stable duty
2) Supervised by NCO
b. Hay
1) Fed from picket line in the morning and evening
3. On the March
a. Same as in camp, except grain may be soaked in water
B. Grooming *
1. General Rules
a. Commissioned officer must be present
b. Captain is responsible for the company horses
c. Groomed twice daily
d. Part of stable duty
e. Morning and evening
f. Groomed at the picket line
2. Technique of grooming
a. Curry comb
1) Near side (right hand)
a) Start at neck to shoulder
b) Then to chest, back, belly, flanks, loins and rump
c) Applied gently
d) Not used on sensitive areas
(1) back, face and below the knees
e) Used liberally when shedding winter coat
2) Off side (left hand)
a) Repeat as near side
b. Brush
1) Near side (right hand-curry comb left hand)
2) Off side (left hand-curry comb right hand)
c. Fingers/brush
1) Mane and tail
d. Dust horse
e. Wet rag
1) Face and nose
C. Watering *
1. Supervised by 1st Sgt
2. Led or ridden to water
a. To be done without confusion
b. b. Never is the horse to be rushed
c. Cold water should be allowed to warm up some
3. Watered three times in the summer
4. Otherwise twice a day
6. Horses rarely drink enough water in the morning
7. On the march should be watered as often as possible
8. Don't water warm horses unless they are to get right back to work
9. Never throw cold water on a hot horse, not even the legs

D. Care on the march
1. Should not wake them up before dawn
2. The average march was 15-20 miles a day
3. Stop after first 30 minutes to check girth
4. Stop for 5-10 minutes every hour
5. Every 2-3 hours they would be led for 30-40 minutes
6. Stop for a water break at noon for 30-45 minutes
7. If you water one you have to water all
8. They were led downhill or over rough ground
9. Feet/shoes were constantly checked

© 2000-2001 by Dr John Productions
The New Buffalo Soldiers, Shadow Hills, CA.
All rights reserved.